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Created by Chopin, says Jorgensen

Icons of Europe

Original 1st edition booklet in good condition:
Jenny Lind:  Her Vocal Art and Cadenze –
A Record and Analysis of the “Method” of the
late Madame Jenny Lind-Goldschmidt
(London, New York 1894). - Rare publication
with an introduction and a collection of scores.

New discovery on Chopin's "Method" by Icons of Europe.
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Musée du Louvre:  symbol of learning from great culture - Icons of Europe's basic theme.

"Jenny Lind: Her Vocal Art and Cadenze" (1894.  Icons of Europe say the candenze were created by Chopin.

This 50-page booklet shows a detail of a portrait of Jenny Lind, an engraving by William Holl after a daguerrotype by W.E. Kilburn, London, 1848.

Judge for yourself

Cadenza for voice « Sehn – sucht », probably by Chopin. "BEL CANTO: Chopin Teaching Singers" by Icons of Europe (2013).Is this not a cadenza by Chopin for Mazurka Op. 24/3 ?  Jenny Lind gave the cadenza to F. Hiller in 1884.  Listen!

The booklet

Jenny Lind: Her Vocal Art and Cadenze (1894) contains a collection of cadenze for voice … some “extremely difficult”.  They are “bequeathed to the world by one of the greatest singers of the present century² … with a view of ensuring their preservation to posterity”.

Ink drawing by Maurice Sand dated June 1844. It illustrates Chopin's song method, says Icons of Europe.Conclusion by Icons of Europe

« Given Jenny Lind’s relationship with Chopin in 1841-1849 and her role in the monumentalization of the composer, it cannot be excluded that most of the Cadenze sung by Jenny Lind – later “written down by Mr. Goldschmidt, at her dictation” and bequeathed to the world – were created during her singing lessons with Chopin and that they could provide new insight into Chopin’s method of teaching “the art of singing”. »¹

¹ Bel Canto (2013).and Chopin's Dream (2013).

P.S.  Liszt writes in 1834:  "Je fais aussi beaucoup de cadence ...  Cela me casse la tête.  J'ai là des études de Hiller, de Chopin et de Kessler."